Want to learn how to be an excellent Supervisor?

Learn how to be an Excellent Supervisor

Brought to you by: Rosy King @ Corporate Training Options


Improve team performance with training for your supervisors


Want to know how to be an excellent supervisor?

If you are concerned about team performance, and how to best lead your team, you won’t be for much longer!  CTO’s Excellence in Supervision course will enhance your problem-solving abilities, teach you to communicate effectively and upgrade your skills as a supervisor.


Team performances can dwindle. That’s reality.

When you’ve arrived at a crossroads, will you lie down, or will you rise to the challenge to become a better supervisor?


The FIVE benefits of professional upskilling to teach you how to be an Excellent Supervisor

If you’ve read this far – congratulations. We’re going to take you through all the reasons you shouldn’t be missing out on this opportunity for success. So stay tuned.


You’ll learn how to transition to a supervisor role, preparing you for your new responsibilities & the best strategies for getting started.

Climb the Leadership ladder with CTO TrainingEveryone starts at the bottom. Making your way up the corporate ladder and transitioning to a supervising or managerial role can be daunting to those who lack previous experience.

During the initial transition period, it’s essential to know how to establish a line of trust and credibility with the people you’ll be working alongside – particularly now that the team dynamic has changed.

You’ll need to get comfortable with your new duties as a supervisor. Managing workflow, hiring and training new employees, conducting performance evaluations, conflict resolution and roster management are all everyday responsibilities involved with supervisory roles and should not be taken lightly.


Guide your team towards higher performance rates. Set expectations, goals & handle performance issues with ease.

Guide your Team towards higher performanceMarking out some clear expectations for your team is just simple, clean and effective management.

Knowing how, when and what type of goals to set is vital in ensuring your team aren’t overworked trying to hit unreachable targets- or on the opposite end of the spectrum, not challenging themselves enough to push forward your company.

Performance issues are encountered more often than we’d like, and the way we handle them can dictate the future success of your business.

Approaching employees with professionalism and tact doesn’t come to a lot of people naturally, and that’s what our Excellence in Supervision course sets out to tackle.


Supervise with flexibility, communicate proactively and coach your team towards excellence.

Supervise and Lead with flexibilityFlexible supervision makes ALL the difference to your team of employees.

Decrease stress levels, improve job satisfaction in the workplace and reap the mutual benefits which result.

Our Excellence in Supervision course will inform you of all the ways you can alter your personal management style to accommodate for reasonable flexibility with employee rostering, responsibilities and Leave requests.


We’ll take you through examples of some of the best and worst supervisors.

Promoted from Co-Worker to SupervisorSome people just shouldn’t be supervisors.

Others excel.

Micromanagement, selfishness, greed and control freak behaviour are just some of the undesirable traits we all hope we’ll never find in a supervisor.

Learning from the past management mistakes of supervisors who didn’t quite meet the mark is an effective means of ensuring you won’t suffer the same fate.



Navigate how to deal with change positively, changing management styles and techniques for problem-solving.

Learn how to navigate supervision with eastTransitioning into a new work role or environment can be more overwhelming than people give credit for.

CTO will deliver effective strategies to help those transitioning to new supervisory positions find their footing.

You’ll learn how to integrate from previous management styles into new ones successfully, and how to put a positive spin on the changes you will be encountering.

We also include a range of problem-solving techniques tried and tested in the corporate workplace.



Want to learn more about the Excellence in Supervision course?  

We have a training course available for you, which will help you achieve several learning outcomes.

These outcomes include:

  • Becoming an effective supervisor
  • Dealing with new responsibilities
  • Communicating efficiently with employees, peers and managers


You will learn about:

  • The roles and responsibilities of a new Supervisor
  • Strategies for improving team performance
  • Dealing with change positively
  • How to set reasonable goals and expectations


If you’re ready to become the ultimate team leader, to provide Excellence in Supervision for your team, contact CTO today for friendly, professional advice.

We’ll discuss your specific needs, and tailor your training program to suit your requirements.


Corporate Training Options