Category: Planning & Organisation Training
Online Training – Learn the Skills you need to improve your Business
Online Training from CTO provides you with a range of courses you can take anytime, anywhere – to improve your life, your relationships and your business, and have fun doing it! By: Corporate Training Options, Australia Learning new skills improves our lives, across all areas. As we gain knowledge, we have the ability to earn more...
5 Simple Steps to Finally Achieve Your Goals
Did you know that out of 100 adults approximately 84% have no goals. 13% do have goals, but don’t write them down. However, this 13% earn twice the amount of the 84% who have no goals. 3% of adults set written goals. They earn, on average, 10 times as much as the other 97% combined....
7 Steps to Create your Strategic Plan
What is a Strategic Plan? By: Corporate Training Options, Australia A Strategic plan is developed by your organisation’s leaders as a process to determine their vision for the future, as well as identify their goals and objectives for the organisation. A Strategic Plan looks much further ahead than a Business Plan, and helps organisations make...
Stop tearing your hair out. Learn Microsoft Project !
Stop tearing your hair out and learn Microsoft Project If you are a project manager, you need to learn Microsoft Project. You will already have excellent leadership and communication skills, however, without the right software tools, managing your projects may be more frustrating, time consuming and cumbersome than it needs to be. Microsoft Project...
3 Time Management tools to boost productivity
Our time is finite, so all of us must use it well. There are only 24 hours of time allocated to us each day. And in our fast-paced world, it is easy to become overwhelmed with information, people, tasks and responsibilities. Sometimes, it can all get the better of us. Without effective knowledge, strategies and...