The Power of Business Etiquette and Professionalism
The Power of Professionalism, Courtesy & Respect in Business
By: Corporate Training Options, Australia
Having strong skills in business etiquette and professionalism is extremely important.

Learn Business Etiquette and Professionalism with CTO Training Courses
In your business dealings and in your workplace, it’s critical you and your team display a professional attitude and demeanour, and respect towards others at all times. You will also need to know the correct business etiquette for interacting with staff and clients in a variety of situations.
Professional situations can at times be awkward, however, with an understanding of business etiquette, even awkward situations can be managed well. However, many forms of business training simply do not cover etiquette and professionalism.
Business Etiquette & Professionalism Training
CTO’s business etiquette and professionalism course will teach your staff to present themselves in a polished and professional manner. When you are adept at business etiquette, others that you deal with in the work environment will take you seriously. Business etiquette is, essentially, proper behaviour in a business environment.
Here are some business etiquette tips you can use every day.
Tone of Voice
Always use an even tone of voice. Never raise your voice to others around you and always use appropriate language. Speak to others in a respectful tone.
Remember People’s Names
Make an effort to remember the names of those that you work with and deal with regularly in your position.
Respect and courtesy should be shown to everyone at your workplace. Your managers in particular, should receive extra care in your communications with them. They should be made aware of your status on projects, and you should communicate to them any achievements or setbacks as soon as they occur.
Always arrive at work and meetings on time, and inform management and co-workers if you will be out of the office. Return phone calls and emails promptly. Minimise personal phone calls at work.
Know the dress code for your organisation and ask for clarification on this if you are not sure. This goes for casual dress days too.
Office Decorations
Consider who will see your office adornments and what they say about you. Are they distracting, or could they be considered derogatory in any way? Or do you have a clean, tidy, well presented and professional work space?
Professionalism in the workplace, and the professional qualities that a person and business portray, imply quality of service and workmanship.
A professional attitude will lead to a reputation for excellence and will reflect on both the individual and the organisation.

Be reliable, honest and conduct yourself with integrity at all times
Professionalism is needed when introducing yourself to those in the workplace, when speaking on the phone, and when dealing with peers and co-workers, suppliers and clients.
It can be difficult to know how to present yourself and your organisation professionally. Training in business etiquette will teach you how to do this easily and effectively, using real life examples and roleplays.
The Skills of a Professional
Always aim for excellence in your work
Do your work to the best of your ability at all times.
Conduct yourself with Integrity
Professionals have strong morals and principles. They are fair and trustworthy and portray these characteristics at their place of work.
Be Reliable
Always do what you say you are going to do. Do not under deliver.
Be Honest
When you are honest, people know that they can depend on you. They will feel that they can trust you, and your organisation.
Be Polite and Respectful at All Times
Everyone that you deal with, including managers, subordinates and workmates, should be treated with courtesy and respect. Always be polite.
Be Careful what you put in Writing
Much of our communication is now done by email and as such it needs to be scrutinised and checked before you hit the send button. Ensure that the tone, grammar and wording is appropriate.
Don’t Complain
Negativity at work can spread like wildfire if you allow it to. Resist the temptation to complain and commiserate with co-workers. Instead of talking and complaining about work issues, act professionally and work towards solving the issues.
Do not take Situations Personally
In the case of a difficult client, a misunderstanding with a co-worker or any other difficult situation, remain calm and try to separate the issue from the person. Remember that the situation is not a personal assault on you.
Training your team in Business Etiquette and Professionalism will result in:
- increased morale in the office
- fewer customer complaints
- more confident team members
- a greater level of staff retention
- increased productivity
- an improved perception of you and your business
Business etiquette and professionalism training will teach you and your team members to represent themselves and your organisation effectively and proficiently. It is beneficial for staff at all levels.
Click here for bookings and more information today!
Over to you! What are your thoughts or experiences about Business Etiquette and Professionalism?
We’d love to hear them or answer any questions you have, so please contact the Corporate Training Options team today.
Business Etiquette and Professionalism training
The above techniques on Business Etiquette and Professionalism are covered in detail in the Corporate Training Options course, so please contact us today for more information.
To book a Business Etiquette and Professionalism course for your team, please visit our website here
About Corporate Training Options
Corporate Training Options is an Australian Professional Development Training Company, incorporated in 1992.
Our customised Professional Development courses are available Australia-wide, for both business executives and corporate teams, and provide a cost-effective way of ensuring you and your staff are presenting your best image to the world.
CTO Professional Development Training courses are customised to meet your requirements, and your training is provided on-site, on dates which suit you.
We have over 300 qualified instructors on call in:
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Brisbane
- Gold Coast
- Canberra
- Adelaide
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- Darwin
- Hobart
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
- Canada
Each CTO trainer has specific areas of expertise. This enables them to provide invaluable assistance to corporations like yours, seeking to maximise your investment in your teams.
We guarantee the highest possible standard of tuition, personalised to suit your exact requirements. By training onsite in your workplace, you are provided with a cost-effective way of ensuring you and your staff are able to improve your professional skills.
So if you’re ready to upgrade your skills, contact Corporate Training Options today for friendly, professional advice.
We’ll discuss your specific needs, and tailor a training course to suit your requirements.
For more information on the range of Corporate Training Courses available, please visit the CTO website here
Rosy King
Corporate Training Options
Professional Training – Exceptional Results