The Modern Workplace – with Microsoft 365

 The Modern Workplace – with Microsoft 365

Brought to you by Rosy King @ Corporate Training Options


The Modern Workplace with Microsoft 365


How organisations are reducing complexity and breaking down the traditional boundaries of workplaces with Microsoft 365


WOW, what an interesting and evolving business world we live in.

Some of us have teams working with us on the other side of the world, serving clients without missing a beat.

Many are collaborating and video chatting using Microsoft Teams, while Microsoft SharePoint ensures teams on the go have access to the latest company information they need, on any device.

Yes, it’s exciting and innovative, but when creating the modern workplace with Microsoft 365, it’s more involved than just downloading the software and starting.



Points to Consider, to Create the Modern Workplace you Need

The Microsoft 365 Modern WorkplaceAs clients ask us consistently about how to create a modern workplace with Office 365, I thought it’s about time to explain how the modern workplace is evolving.

With the walls of the traditional business model coming down and being replaced with boundary-free work environments, a few key things remain the same.



Most of us are in business to serve people, grow our businesses and evolve, so it’s important not to lose the personal touch and connection we have with our customers.


In order to serve those people and grow our businesses using Microsoft 365 and other tools, we need to be able to collaborate quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively using this technology.


We also need to heighten and increase productivity while creating a modern workplace.


If we are to create a successful modern workplace, we need to focus on the people in our teams. In business, our teams are the most valuable assets we have.

When you have team members working remotely, it’s important to engage and focus on your teams’ goals and ambitions, and their value within your organisation.  This will keep morale, professionalism and productivity high, and make your teams feel like they are contributing to and are a valued part of your organisation.



Okay, so what is a Modern Workplace exactly?

Work from home with Office 365A modern workplace is one that focuses on adapting and using innovative technology so all team members can collaborate, communicate and operate proactively and profitably, regardless of where they’re located in the world.

It’s not just about downloading software. It’s about knowing and understanding the tools in Office 365, so you and your team can boost productivity and collaboration, while continually evolving.

It’s also about creating a flexible and innovative workplace community, where your team feel valued and part of something, and can communicate and operate with or without supervision.



Another key tip to remember when you’re creating a Modern Workplace is that it’s also about evolving your organisation’s way of working.

Work anywhere with Modern Workplace technologyWith office premises being replaced with more innovative and flexible work from home environments, business practices, technology and workplace solutions need to be carefully considered.

For example, if your team used to work from your office and they are now working remotely from home, you’re going to have to spend time introducing them to your new business model.

You’re also going to have to encourage them that this is not a bad thing but a good thing.  You need to engage, support and train them in the new processes and systems that will evolve naturally with a modern workplace business model.

This is going to take patience and support from both sides of the fence, whether you’re the employer, team member or an outsourced worker or freelancer.



What does a Modern Workplace look like?

There are a few key things that make up a modern workplace.

Modern organisations are using smarter data and collection processes 

In today’s business world, smart businesses are collecting more data about their customers than ever before, using Microsoft Office 365 and other technology. And it makes sense. We all have different types of clients who spend different amounts of money, have different needs, spending habits, lifestyles and education.  And we can all buy almost anything we want, from anywhere in the world.

Take Google, for example. Traditionally they were a search engine service. However, if you look closer, you have to agree that they’ve evolved into a tracking service, collecting vast amounts of data on every one of us, tracking everything we do online.

Learning, embracing and using the tools and technology available 

Modern Workplace with Microsoft 365Cloud software such as Microsoft 365, and devices such as smartphones and tablets, are evolving every day at a feverish pace. Organisations that have a modern workplace environment and culture know that they and their people need to learn and embrace  the latest software and tools to remain relevant in a fast moving business world.

Another benefit of learning and using the latest tools, software and technology in the modern workplace is that your people are developing their skills, making them happier and more productive, which is great for the team and for your organisation.

Modern workplaces are mobile 

One of the most significant evolutions to happen in the business world is the ability to have your team mobile.

With Microsoft 365, teams can perform an array of tasks from any mobile device they have.  They can get updates instantly in their spare moments between meetings and conference calls with their team, and share files in real-time to keep the team and projects moving forward.

Collaborate in real-time 

Modern workplaces enable everyone to collaborate quickly and easily. In each department of your organisation, all operations can be completed smoothly, proactively and profitably, resulting in reduced costs and higher productivity in the long term.

Open communication 

Teamwork with Microsoft 365While email and traditional office meetings are great, both managers and teams understand that many of these functions are outdated and can waste time.

With tools such as Microsoft Teams and Yammer in Microsoft 365, you can add people to specific teams for specific projects, where everyone can contribute in real-time.  This allows  everyone to know what is going on, who is doing what and what the outcome is.

This also opens up the door for your team members to make positive contributions to projects, so their voices and ideas are heard, resulting in them feeling valued and appreciated in the project’s success.


What is the first step to creating a modern workplace?

Like everything, evolving your organisation into a modern workplace will take time to plan and execute. The best way to start is to develop a modern workplace strategy plan.  You need to consider:

  • How you work with people internally, to run effective meetings, projects and your organisation
  • How you connect with people externally, to inform and engage your customers, partners and suppliers
  • Ways to target your communications and manage your time

Begin by reviewing your workplace. Which members of your team complete which tasks, using what tools, and what are their skill levels.  Next, ascertain where you want to go and how you’re going to get your team there.


Office 365 Tools


Which Tools will I need for my Office 365 Modern Workplace?

Microsoft 365 can help you transform how you collaborate, both internally and across locations.  The aim of a modern workplace is to:

  • Centralise communications and co-ordiantion
  • Connect to the people and information you need from any device
  • Securely share and protect sensitive information

The tools available in Microsoft 365 to address collaboration, which are a part of the Modern Workplace solution, include:

  • Microsof Teams
  • Outlook
  • OneNote
  • Planner
  • SharePoint
  • Yammer
  • Stream
  • Delve
  • Flow
  • PowerApps


The Microsoft 365 solution provides a total Modern Workplace framework, and a secure, intelligent and complete toolset to empower your teams.

Once you’ve started the evolution process to create a modern workplace, you’ll be taking a big step towards improved productivity and rewards for your customers, your team and your organisation.


Want to know more about creating a modern workplace with 365?

Corporate Training Options provides a number of solutions for teams who are upgrading to the Modern Workplace.

These include 1-2 day courses for your end-users, such as:


We also have 30-90 Day Corporate Adoption Programs for corporate teams, including:


If you prefer your training over a longer period, we have 6-month Technology Update Programs.  These are available for both end users, and for technical teams.


If you’re ready to learn more about creating a modern workplace or to upgrade your Microsoft Office 365 skills, contact CTO today for friendly, professional advice.

We’ll discuss your specific needs and tailor your training program to suit your requirements.



Corporate Training Options


Why Choose Corporate Training Options?

Corporate Training Options is Australia’s leading professional development training company. Incorporated in 1992, we have facilitated & run over 100,000 training courses Australia wide.


  • Your Trainers are certified experts who are real-world practitioners
  • The courses are interactive, well organised and fun – making it easier for you to learn
  • Small group workshops mean each trainee will receive individual attention and can be confident about the skills they will gain
  • Our complimentary client discovery consultation, prior to your training, ensures your objectives and desired outcomes will be met
  • CTO is a Business Excellence Award winning company


CTO Professional Development and Technology Training courses are customised to meet your requirements, and your training is provided on-site, on dates, which suit you.

The subjects we specialise in include:

  • Leadership Development
  • Strategic Business Planning
  • Project Management
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Customer Service & Relationship Management
  • Business Administration
  • Finance & Accounting
  • People & Culture
  • Computer Training
  • Personal Development


Each CTO trainer has specific areas of expertise. This enables them to provide invaluable assistance to corporations like yours, seeking to maximise your investment in your teams and your technology. 

So if you’re ready to upgrade your skills, or you wish to tackle some new challenges, contact Corporate Training Options today for friendly, professional advice. We’ll discuss your specific needs, and tailor a training course to suit your requirements.